Tuesday, January 7, 2014


I was sitting here in the MIDDLE of a blog post about "resolutions and good reads."  I was really into it.  All of a sudden, I was not able to upload pictures anymore.  I am SO MAD!  I guess you'll get that post when, and if, the blog server decides to cooperate.  It's so frustrating.

Anyway, can you say COLD?!  I don't know where you are reading from, but this Southern girl is NOT used to FREEZING weather.  I don't like it!  I long for summer.  And please know... when the meteorologist announces that the temperature will drop to EIGHT degrees, that is when the heat goes out in the Cothran household.  Seriously.  Would you expect anything less?  Thankfully, we were able to storm the local Tractor Supply company and purchase a really nice heater.  We already had one running, so it's actually pretty warm in here.  God is good.

The school district is running on a three hour delay tomorrow morning so that the little kiddos don't have to stand in the cold and wait for their buses.  Guess what that means!  Yep... no alarm in the morning.  We can leisurely roll out of our slumber and take our time getting ready for school.  It is going to be SO nice.  (Sorry mom.  I know you're reading this and have been at work since before 8:00 am.)  My heart goes out to you.  Really, it does.  *wink*

Even though I am not able to post what I had planned, I did run across something I wrote several years ago.  Click on the link below if you'd like to read it.  It's pretty short and sweet, but carries with it a message that we all need to hear from time to time.  Especially me.

"Here's a Tip."


Until next time...

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