Friday, December 13, 2013

the importance of journaling

JP takes medicine each morning for ADHD.  Recently, while packing our bags to leave for the beach, I misplaced his pill bottle.  My entire family TORE the house apart looking for it.  I remembered picking it up, but I had no idea what I did with it.  Eventually, we all gave up.  We needed to get on the road and I literally had looked everywhere.  We left for the beach without his medicine.  Thankfully, the pills build up in your system, so missing two or three days was not going to affect him, but the point was, I lost the bottle.  I was so frustrated!  After we returned home, I opened my underwear/sock drawer and low and behold, THERE WAS JP'S MEDICINE!  How in the world did it end up in my underwear drawer?  To this day, I still do not remember putting it in there.  Or WHY I would have placed it there.  I must be losing my mind.
Yesterday morning, I had to teach a second grade class at my mom's school.  Tuesday night, I laid out my jean skirt, black tights, and a top to wear.  I knew that my black boots were in another closet in my sister's room. When I went to grab the boots so that I could get dressed, they were gone.  I KNEW I had seen them.  I sent a text message and asked my sister if she had worn them that day, or carried them somewhere.  She wrote me back quickly, "No, they are in the bottom of my closet.  I saw them last night."  I looked again.  Gone.  At that point, I just needed to put on clothes and get out the door.  I pulled a different outfit from my closet, threw it on and rushed to school.  When I got home that afternoon, I began looking for the boots again.  Sound familiar?!  My mom, my sister and I tore up the house in our search.  We even started to blame the boys! I was sure Preston or JP hid them,  thinking it would be funny to watch me try to find them.  (JP has done this before!)  At one point, my mom told me to go look in MY closet.  "I didn't pick them up, mom!  I just saw them last night.  I would remember moving them!"
Frustrated, I went to my closet sure that I would not find them.  Guess what?  There sat my black boots!  Once again, I had picked something up, moved it to another location and had absolutely no recollection of doing so!  I must be losing my mind.
My point in sharing this with you is this:  How are we supposed to remember what God does for us on a daily basis if we do not write it down?  And trust me, if you are a child of His, He leaves an imprint on your life each day.  I promise.  It may be small, but it's there.  Sometimes you may not be able to see it right away.  I was thumbing through my journal this morning and found an entry from October 12th.  On this date, I was apparently struggling to find peace.  I prayed for it and "claimed it."  The very next day the devotion I read was taken from Numbers 6:26, "The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace."  I ripped that page from the devotional, highlighted the passage and taped it to my journal entry.  Had I not written down my thoughts, anxieties and prayer, I may not have remembered what I had requested from God.  This morning, I sit here with a big smile on my face, reminded of how attentive God is to our needs. 
It is very therapeutic to have something tangible to read through. Thoughts, memories and prayers you might otherwise not recall.  When I read my journal entries, I clearly see the fingerprints of God.  They are EVERYWEHRE.  So, do yourself a favor, and journal.  You don't have to enjoy writing.  Throw one or two lines on a piece of notebook paper.  If you aren't the creative type, begin by jotting down your prayers.  You will be amazed at how, over time, they will come together and form an amazing story.  Your story.  That is part of the reason I love to blog.  I am not naïve enough to believe that people all over the world just LOVE to read my daily logs.  The main reason I do this is for myself.  I want to remember my journey.  And clearly I cannot rely on my mind! 
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. 
Until next time...

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